Technologies and methods for improved resilience and sustainable preservation of underwater and coastal cultural heritage to cope with climate change, natural hazards and environmental pollution

Key Information

Total project cost: € 3,999,287.50

Total project funding: € 3,999,287.50

Duration: 01/05/2023 – 31/10/2026



Social Media

Project challenge & objective: 

The THETIDA project addresses issues related to safeguarding and protection of Europe’s coastal and underwater cultural heritage (CH) from the effects of climate change and natural hazards. It does so in a holistic manner that includes risk management, protection and preparedness, as well as complementary strategies. The aims is to prevent damages to CH sites, identify and ward off additional threats and promote policy tools for climate neutrality and economic resilience in coastal areas.

This goal is achieved through the development of a preventive conservation strategy that includes monitoring, risk preparedness and management of underwater and coastal CH sites. The conservation strategy also considers the identification and warding off additional threats and the promotion of adaptation, reconstruction and other post-disruption strategies that seek to restore normal conditions to the historic areas.  Finally, the conservation strategy promotes long-term strategic procedures to adapt to climate change and wields policy tools for economic resilience.

In the framework of the THETIDA project, an interdisciplinary team of researchers, experts and practitioners will develop, test and validate an integrated multiple heritage risk assessment and protection system; it will incorporate evidence-based monitoring frameworks, innovative tools and instruments and participatory processes (Citizens’ Science and Living Labs). Thus, the project implementation actions will link the social innovations with cutting-edge technologies (Information and Communications Technology and Internet of Things harmonised tools).

Role of CMMI:

CMMI will collaborate with the other two Cypriot partners (SignalGenerix and the University of Cyprus) to study and develop preventive conservation strategies around the Nissia shipwreck; an Ottoman shipwreck which lies at -27m, 500m off the coast of Paralimni (Famagusta district).

In this framework, the CMMI will support the study for the development of monitoring and predicting remote sensing tools that will support the study of the preservation of the ancient shipwreck. Moreover, CMMI will contribute to the development of participatory and crowdsourcing tools, which will lead to setting up a local ecosystem of stakeholders and community groups that will contribute to the protection and the promotion of the site.


Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Program, Grant No: 101095253 (THETIDA).