CMMI Governance and Oversight


As a Centre of Excellence in Research, Innovation and Technology Development, we promote and embody the principles of fairness, accountability, responsibility and transparency. The Members of the company – as provided by our Articles of Association – promote and support our goals, objectives and principles and nominate and appoint the members of the Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors oversees our activities and ensures that we engage in objective and reliable research that aims to contribute to society and industry. Our Executive Team brings our vision and mission to life by providing a clear strategic direction and effectively managing our day-to-day operations. With the advice of our International Academic and Industrial Advisory Council (IAIAC) and Legal and Ethical Advisory Committee (LEAC), we ensure that our research is ethical, current and relevant, and that the needs of industry and society are met.

Board of Directors

CMMI’s Board of Directors consists of up to 25 Directors who are appointed for a three-year term. CMMI’s Directors are distinguished international academic and/or business professionals who have experience or expertise in sectors related to the activities of CMMI, such as maritime trade and transport, marine biology, energy and subsea resources, climate and the environment, society and governance.

CMMI’s current Board of Directors

Executive Team

CMMI’s Executive Team consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), as the Chairman of the Executive Team, the Chief Operations Officer (COO), the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and the Chief Commercial & Innovation Officer (CCIO).

CMMI’s current Executive Team
CMMI’s Executive Team is supported by the Marine Institute of Ireland which acts as the Strategic Advisors to the Executive Team.

International Academic and Industrial Advisory Council (IAIAC)

CMMI’s IAIAC is a prestigious ad hoc group that advises and support CMMI’s Board of Directors, Executive Team and other committees/subcommittees of CMMI on matters relating to research and innovation. The Members of the IAIAC are appointed by the Board of Directors and are well-renowned academics, distinguished members of the scientific community and relevant sectors of the industry, including the public sector.

CMMI’s current IAIAC

Legal and Ethical Advisory Committee (LEAC)

CMMI’s LEAC is an advisory committee consisting of independent external experts who advise the Executive Team on legal and ethical issues. As part of its duties, the LEAC also collaborates with the individuals responsible for legal and ethical matters of projects in which CMMI is involved in, as required.

CMMI’s current LEAC