Dr Eleni Christoforou is a Marine Biologist interested in the well-being of coastal ecosystems. Her scientific interests lie in the investigation of the effects of anthropogenic stressors on microorganisms and their communities with the aim of improving current practices, for a more sustainable future. Through her research experience, both in laboratory and field experimental design and implementation, she has worked with microorganism like phytoplankton, zooplankton, meiofauna and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Eleni gained a BSc in Marine Biology and a BA in Art at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA and completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK investigating the effects of microplastics and light pollution on mussel phytoplankton consumption and gaping activity. Through two short-term post-doc positions, Eleni gained experience in molecular biology including eDNA and bioinformatics. Furthermore, her background in art facilitate her involvement in science communication and science illustration.