Carlo Cernicchiaro is a Researcher in Robotics.
Before starting to work for CMMI, he worked as a Robotics Software Engineer for Aeolus Robotics, an international start-up, where he contributed to designing the behaviour of the robot commercialized by the company.
Previously, Carlo used to be a Research Associate for CYENS, a research centre, focusing on continual learning and shared autonomy. Here, he won a fellowship for his Ph.D. at the Open University of Cyprus – currently pursuing.
During his M.S. in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Carlo developed his master’s thesis project at Nanyang Technological University, and he participated in the CBI project hosted by the CERN.

His research work includes robot planning, HRI, shared autonomy, learning by demonstration, and policy improvement.